Without even trying!
Nibbling is one of our top tips for creativity! You will love it, once you get the hang of it.
It is a common misconception that you ‘need to have an hour free to make art’. This idea BLOCKS most people creatively from ever doing anything – for whoever has ‘a spare hour’ to do something? It’s rare, right?
However, we bet that you DO HAVE 5 MINUTES – or 10 minutes – maybe several times a day – when you are not doing something? For example, you are waiting for your partner to be ready to go out (that 10 minutes could be a NIBBLE!). You are waiting for your boss to be ready for a meeting (that 7 minutes could be a NIBBLE!). You are waiting in the supermarket check out line (that 10 minutes could be a NIBBLE!)
So you see, there is lots of wasted time in your day, just sitting there, waiting to be used for art! You will be a-mazed at how much time you have, to create, when you start to NIBBLE these bits of time for your art!
Here’s how it works
You BREAK IT DOWN. You break down your creation into steps.
You DO NOT need to ‘plan all the steps’. That is boring, and will block your creativity. Don’t do that!
You just need to find the first small step – your first NIBBLE – and DO IT.
Each NIBBLE should be about 5 – 10 minutes long. If it’s not, break it down into more NIBBLES.
So for example, making a Fairy House. Here are some steps you can NIBBLE.

Fairy House Nibbles
Step one: Work out what materials you want to use (old carton, water bottle, etc.) – NIBBLE!
Step two: Decide what art materials you need and write a list (Clay, glue, scissors) – NIBBLE!
Step three – Get those Art Materials that you don’t have (Buy glue) – NIBBLE!
Step four – Assemble Art Materials on Tray – NIBBLE!
Step five – Cut the water bottle to shape for the base – NIBBLE!
Step six – Make the clay base of the house – NIBBLE!
Step seven – Put the fairy lights in the house – NIBBLE!
Step eight – Make the roof – NIBBLE!
Step nine – Put the roof on and glue it – NIBBLE!
How do you eat an elephant
So, you’ll do NIBBLES during your day – just a small moment, towards your artistic creation or dream.
You’ll be amazed at how much you can create, when you start to use the ‘wasted’ time in you day, for your art!
Question: How do you eat an elephant
Answer: One mouthful at a time! (that’s NIBBLING!)

Guided Play Time
Note: We invite parents to participate, not spectate! That’s why materials for you all to create something, are included in your entry fee.
Maximum 2 children per Adult.
The system will give you discounts according to the size of your party (or a fee for 3rd Child)
If you need to bring more children, please book them as adults, and do let us know in the additional info box below, we will bring in more staff to support.
Please be punctual, as we may not let your time overrun, where others have booked after you, and there are no refunds for lost time, however caused.
Book Guided Playtime
Guided Playtime
In Guided Playtime, you can play with what we have available (and/or your child can) – you need to be present with your children, and if you want to, we’ll encourage you to join in and play and have fun as well!
Wendy House ~ Train track time ~ Floor garden ~ Train set (you build) ~ Hang the figures on the tree ~ Fairy Village Treasure Hunt (Optional and Coming Soon) ~ Dolls House ~ Paperclay Play (guided)